Portable Toilet Capacity and Usage Guidelines for the Safari Rally

Understanding the capacity and usage guidelines of portable toilets is essential for ensuring a comfortable and hygienic experience at the Safari Rally. At Dr Loo, we provide valuable information to help you make the most of our portable toilet facilities.

Our portable toilets are designed to accommodate a specific number of users at a time. It’s important to adhere to these capacity guidelines to prevent overcrowding and maintain cleanliness. Our team will guide you on the appropriate number of portable toilets required based on the expected attendance at the Safari Rally.

We also provide usage guidelines to ensure that the portable toilets are used responsibly. This includes proper disposal of waste, using provided sanitation products, and reporting any maintenance issues promptly.

At Dr Loo, we prioritize the comfort and satisfaction of our customers. We aim to create a pleasant restroom experience at the Safari Rally, allowing you to focus on enjoying the event.

Contact us today to discuss your portable toilet capacity and usage requirements for the Safari Rally and benefit from our expert advice.

Contact us today:

  • Address: Oginga Odinga Ave, Nakuru, Naka Est
  • Email: info@dr.loo.co.ke
  • Phone: +254 (0) 704 287 511